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We Appreciate Your Support 

As a non-profit, registered Ontario Corporation, Queen of the Holy Rosary Shrine, Lay Apostolate in Ajax, Ontario has Canada Revenue Agency Charity Status which allows us to issue Tax Deductible receipts for Donations. We are a Lay Apostolate and depend entirely on generous donations to carry out our Mission.

There are many ways you can get involved to help us achieve the goals in our Mission Statement. We welcome you to become part of our Mission to promote the praying of the Rosary and the Catholic faith. 

HOW TO DONATE to Queen of The Holy Rosary Shrine 

  • Make a direct deposit to our account:

    TD Canada Trust

    75 Bayly Street

    Ajax, ON L1S 7K7

    Transit # 054 52

    Account # 83397-5209149

    On the "Write a note", please indicate where you

    wish to direct the donation:

    - General Fund

    - Office Expenses/Advertising

    - Apostolate Work

  • Using PayPal donate to The Queen of The Holy Rosary Shrine. PayPal accepts all major credit cards.

  • Send us an E-transfer through your online banking. Log onto your bank website and look for the Email transfer link. Follow the instructions setting up a password and indicating as the recipient. Once you have completed the transfer, please send a separate e-mail to the President, advising the funds have been transferred as a donation and the answer of the secret question.

  • Send a cheque payable to Queen of the Holy Rosary Shrine at the following address:

        Queen of the Holy Rosary Shrine,
         Lay Apostolate,

         50 Cluett Drive

         Ajax, ON L1S 7C3.

        On the memo, please indicate "General Fund"

QHRS will issue tax receipts for donations made solely to QHRS.


  • Become a member
    Regular Members: active in the work of the group (QHRS)
    Associate Members: active in prayer, volunteerism, and financial support.
    If you would like to become a regular or associate member, please contact Ted Harasti, President via cell phone 905-995-6302.
  • Raise Funds. Fundraising is a great way of making more people aware of our need for support in accomplishing our Apostolate work (see our Mission Statement). We are currently looking for volunteers to form a Corporate Donation and Fundraising Committee. If you would like to join us in this effort, please contact Ted Harasti, President cell 905-995-6302.
  • Volunteer your skill.
    There are many tasks to be accomplished and we are in need of your talent. Whether you are active or retired, come share your skills with us.
  • Pray for us and Spread the word.
    Your prayers are so very important to us. Please pray that we are blessed with volunteers and donors to ensure our success as a Lay Apostolate.
    Talk about us with your friends, at your church, in your community, and let everyone know about our projects. The ways of the Lord are infinite. Whether you can provide us with financial support or not, please contact us. Your prayers are just as important as any donation.

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